Spring 2012 Lookbook Teaser Video for Mishka mishkanyc.com Directed, shot and edited by Matthew Caron with photographer Tara Chacón Produced by Michael Cohn gangsterrave.com
Featuring: Children of the Night | cotnmusic.com Venus X | twitter.com/venusxgg Left Leberra & Areb Crew | leftleberra.bandcamp.com Lakutis | twitter.com/lakutis Das Racist | dasracist.net Perrion | perryeats.tumblr.com Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire & Peel Off Crew | twitter.com/exqomaniarules Danny Brown | twitter.com/xdannyxbrownx Gita | twitter.com/gitaspeaxdaily DJ Shiftee | djshiftee.com Party Supplies | xpartysuppliesx.com Action Bronson | actionbronson.com
Music "Kids From Queens" by Children of the Night "Bear Tricks (feat. Goldie Glo)" by Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire