Spun O Lith: Purity Control / Rebecca Gaffney / Matthew Caron / Peter Shapiro

spunolith_web Purity Control with Rebecca Gaffney performing in her Spun O Lith installation at Fitness Gallery on February 28th, 2013.

Live video mix by Matthew Caron & Peter Shapiro.

Spun O Lith: Purity Control / Rebecca Gaffney / Matthew Caron / Peter Shapiro from Matthew Caron on Vimeo.

"Rebecca Gaffney's Spun O Lith installation at Fitness Gallery, during which the split's recording was taken. The video itself, mixed by Matthew Caron and Peter Shapiro, is full of eplileptic-averse flashing and uncanny valley-oblitering facial distortion. Guess it's that time again to freak out the squares." - Mike Sugarman, Ad Hoc

Read more about Spun O Lith and Purity Control at Ad Hoc